
Wardrobe Audit

How many times have you opened your closet and felt like you had nothing to wear?

I’ve had clients tell me they break into a sweat when they open their closet in the morning! All they see is clutter, confusion and chaos.

Is this your experience? Do you wear the same clothes because you can't see (or find) what you have?

The truth is that you don’t need a lot of clothes — you need the right clothes. Most of us wear only 20% of our clothes 80% of the time.

Based on your complexion and body type, my job is to bring an objective set of eyes and help you clear out unflattering items. I’ll also explain why certain garments should be kept, based on quality, current/classic styles and suitability to you and your lifestyle. We’d then go over which additional items you could purchase to enhance and complete your wardrobe.

How will I clear out my wardrobe?

I’ll help you make informed choices for each garment to discard. You can give them to charity, consignment shops or friends and family. And all of this is done with the utmost sensitivity to any sentimental belongings.

Once your closet is cleaned out, organized and separated by season, you will be left with the best clothing suited to your colour, body style and fit.

Are you interested in this service or have any questions? Get in touch with Lynda now!
